Become the Smart Home Expert (System Integrator) that your customers need by working with iHomeFuture

We change challenges to opportunities
Today’s’ system integrators are experts in many fields, they should be able to handle and offer complex solutions to clients.
An expert system integrator should have knowledge and experience in many fields like WiFi, Audio, Video, Low Current, CCTV, and many other technologies and skills.
In order to do that you need to attend training, bring samples, build showrooms and labs, additionally you need to bring products to your customers at a competitive price so you have a decent profit margin.
Bearing in mind that Smart Home technology is practically new and is getting a lot of demand from customers, as a system integrator you can’t afford to offer smart home solutions to your customers.

Tailored solutions for professional integrators
Knowing the challenges that a system integrator might face, we build and tailored our business model to address those challenges and convert them to an opportunity.
Our experts and solutions will get you up and running with smart home technology in few days.
We tailored our solutions to support system integrator, whether you have a new company and trying to save resources or you need to make a big impact in the market.
Our solutions will also support your clients from many market segments.
Providing what your clients wishes for
Knowing the challenges of system integrators and combining them with our studies concerning the needs of modern day custmers, we are proud to offer wide variety of services exclusive to our system integrators.
Below is a glimpse of the main services that we offer to our system integrators, and in case you wish to add something then please let us know how to support you better.